Newt James Everywhere is closing, this is the only way to consume my energy and i eat a lot of supplement, like, a lot XDD Whats your recently favourite on Netflix ar James btw?
James Newt Just finished Succession on HBO/ Now TV. Must watch for anyone really, even if you’re not into corporations and fancy finance lingo. Not sure what I’ll watch next since I’m pretty busy with work
Valerie Newt Slowwwwww 👎🏻 Can’t believe u hadn’t started watching attack on titan part 2, I have been following it weekly 😀 Guess I spend your make love and jerk off time on Netflix that’s why 😂
Valerie Newt U mean Inventing Anna?? I felt really uneasy throughout the show, but couldn’t stop watching 😂
Valerie James Jesus Christ, the guy was sentenced to 15 months and released after 5 monthes?? What the hell, sounds like a perfect deal to me! 5 months in jail for 10 millions USD sounds perfect. Maybe I should be a swindler 😊 His consequence is such a huge motivation to push ppl into the industry lol