It took me a while to think whether I should write my first report in Chinese or English. For sure, a report in English can reach more readers. Unfortunately, English is not my first language and I can never express myself in English as naturally and as accurately as in Chinese. Finally, I have decided to do it in English. As experiences in life have told me, it is impractical to aim at perfection. Just try. Who knows the result before you have tried?
From the day I heard about BoT, I knew it is a cozy, warm and friendly environment. Why? It is hard to explain, but probably I could tell from the design of the web page, from how the hosts respond to questions, and the way members interact in the Chatroom. Having said that, I could not help feeling excited, or anxious, at the moment I arrived at the venue.
The moment finally came. Ding-dong. It were Enzo and Aiden welcoming me at the door. As I stepped inside, I could see Valerie, Tabitha, Grace and Rita who were lying on a sofa. Hello pretties. It looks like people like to arrive early. A good start. The decoration was splendid and completely corresponded with the theme.
I am not really an extrovert and sometimes I consider myself to have social anxiety. Fortunately, there was a card game to help us break the ice. I lost the game but it was great fun. How come the girls reacted so quickly?
As more people have arrived, it was time for some food. Yum. Good food always comes with good wine. Normally, I am not very fond of alcohol but this time, I could not resist. I noticed the hosts have prepared a lot for us to enjoy, soda, wine, gin, whisky, you name it. The people around you really matter. What could be bad when you have good hosts?
It was fun chit-chatting with Andy, Kira and Rita. We talked from topics to topics and sometimes, Enzo joined us when he was free. Looking back, it is a shame I did not join the other circle (with Roxy, Ben, Fleur and Newt) in their drinking games. It is fun making new friends actually.
Thanks Valerie for accepting my invitation. She was so cute and sexy. As a starter, I gave her some massage and hopefully this helped her to relax. Your other senses tend to heighten when you cannot see, and it held true for us that evening under the theme ‘glow in the dark’. Val wore a silky robe, but it was not as silky as her skin. I quickly untied her robe and her figure was inches in front of me. I could not resist the temptation to kiss her, to caress her, and to take off any lingerie that was still on her body. She was sensitive to each blow of warm air I expelled and she became powerless as she panted more and more quickly.
All of a sudden, she requested a change in our position. As I lied down, she quickly found my sensitive spots and it was me groaning. Valerie’s lips and tongues were so soft that it felt like nothing, yet tingling as she circled around my nipples. As she moved down and sucked my dick, I felt like I was in heaven. It was so warm and smooth. She did it not only with her mouth but also with her hand and the combined result was just terrific.
My favourite is to give ladies oral and I like to do it slowly. As my tongue moved towards her private, it was already warm and wet. As I worked on her clitoris, she moaned and she screamed. There she comes, she requested me to do something serious.
I did not want to waste any time to change our position. I was on top and we started with the missionary. It took no effort to get inside Val as it was all wet. Again, I like to do it slowly. I like to hear how she moaned upon each stroke, slow but forceful. At times, there were stronger bursts but I could only do it at intervals for, you-know-why. I then invited her to change her pose a bit so that I could continue with my favourite position, making use of the rim of the mattress. The details and the rest -- I am not going to tell you
Out of the room, people were still happily chatting. James and Aurora joined the party at a later time and I regret we did not have a chance to talk. Literally exhausted by Valerie, I took a rest and then left the wonderful place. When I stepped onto the street, the feeling was so unreal. Why didn’t I know this club earlier?
Thank you all whom I have met that night. I hope I did not miss any one and if I did, please forgive me. My hats off to the hosts for their hard work. The party was wonderful.