Our parties are no different from those you would usually attend, just that we are more open to body contact and are more welcome to have a deeper interaction if one would like to. But on top of everything, we still expect everyone to maintain basic social etiquette and respect.
派對/聚會規模一般12-16(或更多)人不等,會有小食、飲品、boardgame/TV game 等等;我們會定期舉行主題活動,例如服裝派對,主題遊戲派對等等。
There will be 12-16 participants (or more) at each party. Drinks, snacks, and a selection of board games and video games will be provided for everyone to enjoy. We will also hold regular theme parties like cosume parties etc.
Members are only required to pay the entry fee for each party. No other fees are required.
我們要求會員出示半年內的STD醫學檢驗報告,方可獲邀 / 申請出席派對;派對中如有一切性行為,皆必須出於各人之間自願,且嚴格遵求會規使用安全套。
Condoms must be used for all sexual interactions.
We also require members to have the necessary STD items tested within the past six months before being invited to attend the party.
Safety measures have been taken to prevent any sneak shots during the party. We have set up community rules to protect members’ personal privacy. Exchanging contact with others is also prohibited. Any violation of the community rules may result in a loss of participation eligibility.