First of all, 指定動作 - thank you to our lovely hosts for organizing our themed event and for the change of environment. Everything was lovely as always except please DO NOT EVER ORDER THAT TUNA PIZZA AGAIN! I should've known when that was the only pizza left....Also the place was effing cold but maybe it was intentional for us to keep each other warm.
So I showed up later than usual at around because I must've covered half of Hong Kong by car prior to the event. When I arrived I was greeted by both old and new faces (more on that later) but more importantly the place looked super tidy and it looked like an AA meeting. Beds were tidy, everyone was eating and drinking - I was surprised to say the least. I guess everyone was taking things slow, for those who have read my older reports you'll find that its one of the things I enjoy most about BoT - at your pace, at your leisure, at your rules.
A relatively quiet night from me this time round (instant coffee at 11pm saved my life) so not a whole lot to write about, but here are some honorable mentions and in no particular order...
- Val and Enzo: as always, thank you for bringing us like-minded people together. I can imagine there's a lot of work in the background and as they say, "better you than me" lol
- Olive: Turns out we have many things in common - the tats, the dogs (#adoptnotshop), the meal plans. Welcome to BoT and I'd love to get to know you and Brian more next time 
- Lily and Newt: Thank you both for your invites - it's always flattering to be asked to participate. I was physically and mentally a bit out of it last night but its an exception rather than the norm. Sorry to let you guys down.
- Kylie: Pretty sure we've spoken more tonight than we've ever done at past events combined. Progress is good 
- Gin: Please tell us which skincare products you're using because whatever it is, it's shaving 10 years off your face
- Wingo: Please tell us which supplements you use because you're pretty well built
To everyone else I didn't get to speak with much, both old (Rita, Ethan, Cara etc.) and New (Elliott, Jocelyn etc.) - until next time!
P.S I gotta hit the gym harder and more often to keep up with some of our new male members