0. 申請人必須年滿十八歲。All applicants must be over 18 years old.
1. 請細心重讀本會簡介與及會規,確認自己所追求的是什麼,評估這裏是否一個適合自己的平台。Please read our introduction and community rules again, and make sure you are ready and believe this is suitable for you.
2. 請為自己選一個 全新的名字 作為會內身份,這名字在過去與未來均不得與現實身份有任何關連。這個名字將會成為以後你/妳在會內的身份,請謹慎選擇。Pick a new name for your alias here. It should not correlate to you in the past or near future. You cannot change it afterwards, so choose carefully.
3. 請於本站以 您所選擇的名字 註冊一個帳戶,並歡迎您到 討論區 與大家打個招呼,稍作自我介紹。Please register an account with your new name on our forum, and feel free to head to the Discussion section and say hi to everyone.
4. 填妥入會申請表,並連同所需照片Telegram或電郵到表內提供的帳號。Fill out the application form, and with the required photos, send it to us by Telegram or Email to the accounts listed on the form.
5. 申請入會費用全免。派對收費將設定價 ,主要由出席男士攤分,屬於合理可負擔範圍。No application fee is needed. Most of the party expenses will be shared by the Male participants but at a reasonable and affordable fixed price.
6. 申請批核時間大約一至兩星期,不論獲批與否均會收到回覆,請耐心等候。有關 STD 檢驗的所需資料,將於獲批核後獲悉。The application will take around one to two weeks. You will get a reply from us regardless of the result.STD test-related information will be sent out after approval.
7. 一切資料絕對保密。如有屬於必要的查詢,請於 Telegram 聯絡 @butter_admin,直接說明查詢內容並耐心等候回覆。All information is strictly confidential. For necessary enquiries, please contact @butter_admin on Telegram.