給正在閱讀的妳,我想問妳幾條問題: 妳的性生活滿足嗎?妳的上一次高潮是什麼時候?妳心底有難以啟齒的性幻想嗎?
先不説我本人,光是聆聽身邊的女性朋友,我已經聽過無數在性生活上無法啟齒的煩惱。Aiden 曾經不以為然地對我說過:「華人社會的女性典範,就是作為女人不應該有性慾。」我曾經打從心底懷疑自己,是不是自己的思想不正常?直至幾年前,因為人生的一些轉變才發現原來有很多女士曾經都面對和我一樣的煩惱,同時發現,哈哈原來我正常得很。
作為過來人,我對這種感覺再了解不過。我們創立BOT是為了創造一個安全,讓大家的身體和私隱受到保護的環境。撇除性事上的幻想和滿足,BOT對我們來說也是一個避風港,在這裡大家再沒有身份上的 labels,我不再是一個律師或醫生或廚師,不再是HKU或High dip或海外名校畢業生。在這裡,撇開了Labels後,我們只是做回自己,妳是一個開朗的女孩,他是個gentleman 的男士,這樣更容易認識大家真實的自己。
如果妳也認為BOT可能是一個適合妳的平台,擁有和我們相似的想法,歡迎妳來找我們聊天了解更多。BOT 是一個享樂的地方。妳有權利選擇自己喜歡的對手,因為我們並不是來「照顧」特定男士。在BOT你不需要對拒絕別人感到壓力,更加不需要去迎合他人的性幻想。如果來到活動之後,妳並沒有對任何一位在場男士感到興趣,歡迎妳留在客廳純粹享受聊天或其他遊戲溫暖的時光。
We only live once, make it full of colours and no regrets~ Let’s make it fun
To those reading this, I would like to ask you a few questions. Are you sexually satisfied? When was the last time you had an orgasm? Do you have any sexual fantasies that you are too shy to share?
I have heard countless stories about how girls struggle with their sex life when they can’t talk to anyone. Aiden once told me that “In the eyes of traditional Chinese, a woman shouldn’t have a sexual desire at all.” I once doubted myself, am I the abnormal one? I didn’t realize many girls are facing the same struggle until a life-changing event happened to me a few years ago. And I'm assured that I’m perfectly normal.
It’s not easy to fulfil our desires even without self-doubt. How easy is it to find the perfect (or even just good) partner in bed? While there are so many problems underneath, such as hidden recordings, STDs, sexual harassment, etc.
As someone who has been there, I can’t understand that feeling more. That’s why we founded BoT, to create a safe environment where everyone’s safety and privacy are protected.
Other than sex, we also see BOT as a secret garden where we can just be ourselves without labelling. Like I’m neither a lawyer nor a doctor. I don’t have a degree from Ivy League or high dip. This girl is outgoing. That guy is a real gentleman. Sometimes we know a person more for truly knowing who they are, not the labels. It’s just me.
If you think BoT could be a suitable place for you and share a similar value with us, you’re welcome to contact us and learn more about us! BoT is a place for leisure, you have all the rights to choose the partner you like. Don’t be shy to say no or refuse someone in BoT, because you are not here to take care of others’ desires, there is absolutely no reason for you to pander to others’ requests. If you don’t find anyone that you feel connected with, you are welcome just to chill and enjoy your evening chatting with us.
Looking forward to meeting you and hearing about your stories. Wish we could be the butter and add a little bit of flavour to your life.
We only live once, make it full of colours and no regrets~ Let’s make it fun!