BoT 一週年了!
最初,我們只想建設一個對性沒有忌諱,安全又私隱的空間給大家相聚;至今 BoT在 Swinger Community 中已隱隱開始有着自己的特色和文化,衷心全靠大家的支持和參與。
當天派對將會在與常有點不同的地點舉行,詳情將會在活動Channel 公佈。是次活動時間方面亦將延長,從當日下午開始直至日出,讓大家在漂亮美景下盡情玩樂。
當日我們會為大家準備酒水飲食,敬請盛裝踴躍出席!(Kink Wear or Party Wear are strictly required this time! )
當日歡迎大家攜帶酒水食物予大家分享,如有意攜帶請於報名表列出,或活動前聯絡 Ezno TG@butter_butter 以便安排。
Happy 1st anniversary to BoT!
In the beginning, our wish was only hoping to create a safe, intimate and sex-positive environment for people to gather and rest. In our first year journey, BoT is starting to get known in the swinger community with our unique vibe and culture, and it all comes down to having everyone’s support throughout the year.
We want to express our gratitude to every beautiful human we have met in this journey so far, so we have planned to hold a special party to celebrate. We will be holding the party at an unusual location and please be welcome to come and enjoy the fabulous view in the afternoon and stay till the next morning.
As usual, we will be preparing food and beverages for everyone, but please contact Enzo at Telegram (@butter_butter) beforehand if you wish to bring something to share.
Kink Wear or Party Wear are strictly required this time!
活動人數名額 Party attendees quota: 10M10F participants
日期 Date:xx/xx/xxxx (xxx)
時間 Time:16:00 開始直至日出!from 16:00 till dawn!
地點 Area : 九龍(確實地址將於party 前一天通知)Kowloon (Venue address will be announced a day before)
裝束 Dress Code:Kink wear or Party wear
收費 Entry Fee:男士 Gents $xx ,女士 Ladies $xx
**作為大家過去一年支持的回饋,是次活動 男士無需繳交安全套(一切性行為仍須嚴格使用!),女士收費則減半!
**As a token of gratitude, Gents do not need to bring condoms to the party (Safe sex are still a MUST!), and Ladies only need to pay half of the usual entry fee.
如欲報名,請點擊以下連結: Please click the link below for activity sign-up:
獲批出席派對的參加者將被加入當日派對的 Telegram Channel,一切有關當日派對的資料將於Channel 內發佈。
獲批出席後請按 Channel 內 PayMe 資料過數確保出席名額,如需其他付款安排,請個別聯絡 Party Host。
Hosts will try their best to balance the gender ratio at the party, please wait patiently for approval after signing up. Approved members will be added to the party telegram channel, all updates will be announced there.
Please make a deposit through PayMe to the given bank account in the channel. Please let hosts know if you require other special arrangements.